


What's changed


Beatles Links

  • Dead links were deleted. A few new links were added, see on page for details.


Beatles Links

  • Dead links were deleted. A new link was included, for the page "http://beatles-yesterday.com".



  • The times are a-changin'...
    If there are still people left visiting this site every now and then, you'll have noticed, that there were no updates for about 21 month' now. This has a lot of reasons, lack of time a lot, but also lack of interest. My interest has changed and The Beatles are no longer a big part of my life. I'll not close this site, though, it'll stay up for the time being. But there are big changes in the CD-Inlay part of the site. Everything has changed. There's no longer checkboxes, no longer ordering. The inlay files are available right on the page, Word files in ZIP archives, for free download. There's still listings of the included discs, but to make administration easier an quicker for me, I simply copy the included index from the Word file to the page. As the index only lists the CD title, nothing else, there's no longer information on the label oder the year, also there's no longer the "Core Collection" sign to it. The listing is just giving an impression of what titles are included, if you are interested, just download the file to check it out.
  • The other pages of the site will no longer be updated or revised anymore. The CD inlay pages might get updated every now and then, but that will only be noticed here and on the CD inlay main page, with a new date. There'll be no more listings of what's new or what's coming up. It's all designed for me to quickly being able to adminstrate it.
  • The guestbook is also gone, as there was only one entry in one year, aside from spam entries on regular basis. If you want to contact me, use the e-mail button on the left side.


Complete Site

  • New Guestbook - the entries of the old guestbook can be watched by clicking on the link in the left frame.


Complete Site

  • Switch to new Domain http://www.beatlegsandmore.net. The Page is now standing on it's own, it's no longer just a part of Albert's Homepage. For now the update is just optical mainly, there are no changes except for some cleaning up on a lot of links



  • New Inlay's in "Beatles", and "Other Artists" sections, new upcoming discs in "Beatles" and "McCartney" section


Get Back - DDSI Numbers

  • New numbers for DDSI 31.38 and 39 corrected



  • New Inlay's in "Beatles", "McCartney" and "Other Artists" sections


Main Page

  • Slightly reworked design


CD-Inlay's (All Pages)

  • It's now possible to choose more detailed on the Mega-Checkbox page (just Bootlegs, or Boots and official releases, also it's possible to choose related disc and other Bootlegs)
  • CD-Inlay's of discs, that are related to the Beatles are now found on the "Others" page.
  • All lists on all CD-Inlay pages were updated.
  • "About CD-Inlays", "IMPORTANT INFORMATION" and "CD-Inlay Rules" pages were updated.


Get Back - The Album

  • New DDSI-Numbers (2001 versions) included


Get Back - The Songs

  • New DDSI-Numbers (2001 versions) included


Get Back - DDSI Numbers

  • Completely new page with comparisation between old (1997) and new (2001) DDSI numbers


Complete Cold Cuts

  • "The obvious sources" descriptions were slightly reworked, based on comments by Peter Gustenhoff


Reversed Core Collection

  • The Reversed Core Collection pages will no longer be updated. See page for reasons.


Beatles Links

  • Site has been redesigned, the links are devided into chapters.
  • There are a few new links and some dead links were deleted.


CD-Inlay's (All)

  • The links of the CD titles on the CD-Inlay pages are no longer linked to my own page or Harald Gernhardt's Beatles Page, but to the " The Bootleg Zone", those pages can be accessed for free! Read more about this on the " IMPORTANT INFORMATION " page.
  • There are now also CD-Inlay's for other Artists' CD's (see separate entry in the navigation frame on the left)!
  • Official Releases and Bootlegs are no longer in separate listings, they are sorted inside the alphabetical listings and marked specially.


- CD-Inlay's - Main Page
- CD-Inlay's - Beatles

Most of the CD-Inlay's Lists updated
New section "Outfakes, Oddities, etc."


- All Pages
- CD-Inlay's - Main Page
- CD-Inlay's - Beatles
- CD-Inlay's - About
- Get Back - New DDSI Numbers

Navigation updated with Home button on each page
All CD-Inlay's Lists updated
Next batch of new links with CD artwork for Bootlegs (letter C)
Updated the list of sources
Information on the DDSI numbers in my CD-Inlay's


General Information:

Bigger CD-Inlay's for The Get Back Journals and The Complete BBC-Sessions are no longer available. CD-Inlay's for The Get Back Journals II are now based on not defect copies of the discs.


CD-Inlay's - Main Page

Beatles - CD-Inlay's List Updated (Coming Up)


- CD-Inlay's - Beatles

Next batch of new links with CD artwork for Bootlegs (letter B)
Updated page in connection to new artwork pages for CD-Inlay's pages


- CD-Inlay's - Main Page
- Also known as

New CD-Inlay's - Beatles, Lennon, McCartney
New titles added in McCartney chapter


CD-Inlay's - Beatles

Next batch of new links with CD artwork for Bootlegs (letter A and before)


CD-Inlay's - Beatles

First batch of new links with CD artwork for official discs installed


Table Of Contents

Link to new Page "Updates"


CD-Inlay's - Main Page

Beatles - CD-Inlay's List Updated